Why Ditching Fragrance Changed Everything for Me...

My Story
I was a Navy perfume (by Cover Girl) all the way. I started wearing it in high school and adored it so much that my MIL would give me new bottles every Christmas and birthday. It was most definitely my signature scent.
When I started having children, I paid a bit of attention to ingredients, but fragrance sources were definitely not at the top of that list (hello, Lavender and Oatmeal baby lotion, anyone?) I knew I couldn't go down the laundry/cleaning aisle at the store without getting a headache ... and then, I started getting a headache at home. Took some sleuthing, but I realized I hadn't been wearing perfume while breastfeeding, and now that my little one was weaned, I was back to my Navy ways. That had to change.
For ten years, I've DIY'ed my own perfumes using essential oils. While that has been great with wonderful scents and no headaches/skin irritations, it is another thing on the busy mom to-do list. I am so thrilled to finally have a fine fragrance option with safe ingredients, all done for me!