Stress-Free Family Dinner Planning

Stress-Free Family Dinner Planning
UPDATE:  We've been following this plan for about eight years now, and I couldn't be happier with the results.  All three children learned to cook, and two of them are quite accomplished at making complicated meals.  My husband has also become very handy in the kitchen!  And I accomplished my original goal, which was to make time in the kitchen enjoyable again. 

A few years ago, I had come to dread the daily question of “What’s for dinner?”  I was in a rut for recipes, at least one child would most definitely hate whatever I made, and the thought of even stepping foot in the kitchen was overwhelming.   Something had to give. 

I decided to use a tactic I had learned when our oldest was a toddler, and I put the ball back in my family’s court, with a certain set of rules.  Here is what I told them:

The older two would be responsible for thinking of 2 meals per week (and the youngest child immediately volunteered herself to come up with one, which was great.) This left one meal for my husband to plan, and I only had to think of one dinner per week! 

Meals must be mostly healthy.  No meal choice could be repeated in back to back weeks (this was to get us out of that recipe rut.)

No one could complain about anyone else’s choices.   The only person allowed to be unhappy with how something tasted was the chef.  This guaranteed that each person would have 1-2 meals per week that they truly loved. 

Choices must be told to me no later than Thursday night since we go to the grocery store on Friday.  Failure to do any of the above means Daddy is in charge of dinner. (While my husband as many admirable qualities, making a good dinner in a timely manner isn’t always his strong suit. Since the kids don’t like to be hungry, this was a good incentive to get them to help plan meals.)

I launched my plan with high hopes … and it exceeded all expectations.  The kids were happy at dinner, everyone was at least trying foods without complaint, they started researching and falling in love with new recipes, and I enjoyed being in the kitchen again. 

Looking for some ideas?  I have recipes posted on my blog WITHOUT you needing to scroll through long stories!  Both the image and a link to print are right at the very top. 

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Tuscan Chicken for Simple Supper

Tuscan Chicken for Simple Supper
This is a family favorite, which means it has become the fave of several friends I've shared it with, too!  You can print the recipe here as well, if you like.  Let me know what you think! 

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Lymph Detox Support

Lymph Detox Support

In the spring of 2022, I happened to see a Facebook group offering support and a 14 day challenge to get your lymph system flowing. I had already been looking into natural ways to help my lymph pathways because I was waking up with bags under one eye and not the other. So when I saw the group, I thought “Accountability with other friendly people always helps, so why not?”

What I didn’t even know when I initially jumped in was that the group was run by a RN who would end up providing me with a ton of helpful videos, deep dives into the science (if I wanted them), great informational posts, and a daily checklist to keep me on track.

Now, I know lots of people joined that group because they heard about possible weight loss. Some people did experience that, but that’s not why I decided to try it. I wanted that mystery swelling gone. Within two days, I realized that my body had not been sweating properly. My system reset quickly and started eliminating toxins as it should. The swelling went away. And while I didn’t lose weight exactly, my clothes weren’t as tight because the fluid retention was gone.  What definitely did change was better sleep and increased energy levels - and who doesn't want that?

I’m so excited that the support group is coming back again for this spring. If you would like to join in, email me at for the FB access. Also, you can grab the items you need below.

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Easy, Delicious Taco Chili

I'm asked for this recipe all the time, year round.  I wanted to make it easy to share, so here ya go!  You can print it here.  

It's fabulous over baked potatoes, too.  We actually have to double it to even have leftovers. 

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Galette des Rois

Many of you saw my story and asked for this simple, delicious recipe.  You can print it here.  

Our family usually has this for Epiphany, but it is delicious any time of year! If you are like me and enjoy learning the history, tradition, and religious meanings behind things, you'll find this explanation interesting:

The Galette des Rois: A Delicious Tradition Celebrating Epiphany

As the festive cheer of the holiday season gently wanes, another delightful tradition, deeply rooted in history and tantalizing in taste, beckons the attention of those in France and many other parts of the world. It's called the Galette des Rois, or the King's Cake, a unique pastry that is closely associated with the celebration of Epiphany, which occurs on January 6th each year. This day, also known as Three Kings Day, commemorates the visit of the Magi, or Wise Men, to the baby Jesus, marking the revelation of God incarnate to the Gentiles.

Why make this delicacy for Epiphany?

The Galette des Rois is more than just a dessert; it's a culinary representation of the Epiphany holiday, with each component of the cake imbued with symbolism. Traditionally, the galette is made of puff pastry, filled with frangipane (a creamy almond paste), though variations exist, including brioche-based versions topped with candied fruit. The pastry is round, symbolizing the cyclical nature of the year, and is cut into pieces representing Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles. Hidden within the galette is a small figurine, or "fève", traditionally a small porcelain or plastic baby to represent Jesus, though modern fèves can be of various shapes and themes. The person who finds the fève in their slice is declared the "king" or "queen" of the day and is often given a paper crown that accompanies the cake.

This delightful pastry is not only a sweet start to the new year but also a way to bring people together. Families and friends gather around the table, enjoying the galette and eagerly anticipating who will find the fève. It's a moment of joy and celebration, rekindling the warmth of the holiday season and forging bonds.

If you have a variation that you love, please share so my family can try it out!

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