Who HASN’T started to feel run-down at some point during this crazy time? Everyone I’ve spoken with has felt it to some extent. Of course, that got the researcher in me thinking.
It all started one day when I was reminding my kids about planning meals for the following week (if you don’t know how we make that work, check it out here.) At the same time, I was also thinking which supplements each of the five bodies in our house needed, since we are all different.
My inner nerd kicked in. I’ve always been fascinated with how things work together, and planning meals, vitamins, minerals, and thinking about strong immune systems is no exception. My goal is for each member of my family to have the strongest immune system possible going into this fall and winter.
As I started researching and writing, I realized all this info is too good to keep to myself. I want to share with you the food recipes, nutrition information, whole food supplements, and diffuser and roller bottle ideas I’ve found to help us reach these goals. You'll start with a checklist and the ten most common deficiencies to help you know what your body needs most. From my desire to help others identify these lacking areas, Vitality and Vibrance for the Whole Body was born.
If you are ready to jump in and learn all the things, make sure you message me at ginny@sageginny.com.