Many of you saw my story and asked for this simple, delicious recipe. You can print it here.
Our family usually has this for Epiphany, but it is delicious any time of year! If you are like me and enjoy learning the history, tradition, and religious meanings behind things, you'll find this explanation interesting:
The Galette des Rois: A Delicious Tradition Celebrating Epiphany
As the festive cheer of the holiday season gently wanes, another delightful tradition, deeply rooted in history and tantalizing in taste, beckons the attention of those in France and many other parts of the world. It's called the Galette des Rois, or the King's Cake, a unique pastry that is closely associated with the celebration of Epiphany, which occurs on January 6th each year. This day, also known as Three Kings Day, commemorates the visit of the Magi, or Wise Men, to the baby Jesus, marking the revelation of God incarnate to the Gentiles.
Why make this delicacy for Epiphany?
The Galette des Rois is more than just a dessert; it's a culinary representation of the Epiphany holiday, with each component of the cake imbued with symbolism. Traditionally, the galette is made of puff pastry, filled with frangipane (a creamy almond paste), though variations exist, including brioche-based versions topped with candied fruit. The pastry is round, symbolizing the cyclical nature of the year, and is cut into pieces representing Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles. Hidden within the galette is a small figurine, or "fève", traditionally a small porcelain or plastic baby to represent Jesus, though modern fèves can be of various shapes and themes. The person who finds the fève in their slice is declared the "king" or "queen" of the day and is often given a paper crown that accompanies the cake.
This delightful pastry is not only a sweet start to the new year but also a way to bring people together. Families and friends gather around the table, enjoying the galette and eagerly anticipating who will find the fève. It's a moment of joy and celebration, rekindling the warmth of the holiday season and forging bonds.
If you have a variation that you love, please share so my family can try it out!