Our third child taught us all kinds of new things beyond dealing with hangry. (Oh, did you miss that entertaining discussion? You can check it out here.)
My mention of stopping a tantrum in its tracks raised a lot of questions. Yes, we had attempted all the “tried and true” methods (after all, third kid, not our first rodeo), but she was a different, fabulous personality. The only thing that worked to calm her down was Joy. Yep, it’s very aptly named. There were times she was really upset that we had to convince her to rub it over her heart, but on other days she would recognize the feeling, grab the bottle, and put a drop or two on herself.
After seeing how well Joy worked and how much our little one liked using oils by herself, we decided to give her a set of oils that would all be her own, teach her how to use them, and leave them in a place her little hands could reach. Two quickly became her faves: Owie and TummyGize.

An active childhood comes with lots of bumps and bruises earned through fun times, plus the occasional skinned knee or elbow. Our daughter kept Owie close at hand and dripped it on as needed. She also quickly realized that a day of roller coasters or eating too much junk with her grandparents meant she needed a drop of two of TummyGize in her belly button to calm a tummy that was topsy turvy.
She learned that Sleepyize in her Feather the Owl diffuser at night meant she would have good rest and the nightmares stayed away. Days spent in falling leaves or spring flowers blooming had her rubbing Snifflease on her chest. The greatest gift as parents was watching her intuitively know what her body needed and that she had the confidence to use it.
Maybe it was because she started using essential oils on her own at such a young age, but GeneYus was the last one she grabbed. That doesn’t mean she hasn’t put it to good use! Once she hit school age and figured out how much this blend diffused helped her brain during lesson times, it quickly moved up her favorite list.
We don’t have KidPower yet, but it is already on her wish list, especially once she heard it smells like Orange Creamsicle. Knowing that it helps kids balance their emotions, especially considering the difficult time we are all enduring, makes it a blend the rest of our house wants, too.

Those are simply the highlights of why we love these KidScents oils. When you are ready to hear more about our journey, recipes, and other fun ideas, you are welcome to join our entertaining FB group. For those ready to jump in with both feet, here you go!
The other cool thing is that we use all of these oils on our pets, too, and we we have some great bonus tips on that.
Have questions? Ready to learn more? I'd love to chat!